Sermons from 2023 (Page 5)

Listening to God

As Chris begins his sabattical we have (for the next few months) a series of guest speakers, many of whom will be familiar to you. This week we welcome back Kevin Burdett who was minister at this church between 2000 and 2013. Kevin speaks to us about his experiences listening to God through the natural world. But are we listening?

Andy leads the rest of the service as we share communion together and Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.

Hope is Here

Where does your hope come from? This Resurrection Sunday Chris looks at Jesus’ mission, which was fulfilled through the cross to seek and save the lost. Can Jesus reignite your hope through his sacrifice today?

Susan leads the rest of the service as we also celebrate George and Maureen’s diamond wedding anniversary whilst Pete leads our sung worship.

Palm Sunday 2023

For our All Age Palm Sunday service Chris leads us in several reflections based around the events of the 8 days of Holy Week. From the Triumphal Entry to Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection the following weekend how do we respond to his amazing sacrifice?

Mike leads our sung worship this week.

Spiritual Warfare: Prayer Ministry

This week we conclude our series on spiritual warfare by looking at prayer ministry. In warfare the most effective place of defence and attack is a stronghold. Chris looks at how, through prayer ministry, we can stop the enemy building any additional strongholds in us and crushing those strongholds which he has made already.

Ant leads the rest of the service whilst Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.

Spiritual Warfare: Our Weapons

Our series in spiritual warfare continues with Chris this week looking at the way we can protect ourselves and the weapons we have to fight back. Paul gives us the sermon-writer’s perfect illustration in Ephesians, illustrating the armour of God which Chris distills into three main weapons: prayer, worship and scripture.

James leads the rest of the service speaking about Mother’s Day and leading prayers whilst Mike leads our sung worship.

Spiritual Warfare: Know Your Enemy

This week we continue our series in spiritual warfare with Chris looking at exactly who it is the war is being fought against. We all know that our enemy is Satan, but how does he try and undermine God? And how can we be more aware of his attempts to gain influence in our lives.

Karen leads the rest of the service with prayers for our Mission of the Month, YFC, and Mike leads our sung worship.

Mercy and Grace

Shona leads our All-Age Service for this month, and looks at the amazing and extravagant grace and mercy of God. Through mercy and grace God saves us from what we do deserve and lavishes us with gifts that we absolutely do not!

There is also a time of sharing at the end of the service while Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.

Spiritual Warfare: Unity

This week was our annual covenant service where as a church we renew our covenant both with God and with each other. Chris looks at this declaration of unity in the light of our current series on spiritual warfare. By standing united with one another as a church we deny the enemy the foothold that he is looking for to exploit our weaknesses.

Susan leads the rest of the service as we also commision our leaders for the year ahead, whilst Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.

Spiritual Warfare: The Victory is Won

We continue our series looking at spiritual warfare this week with Chris reassuring us that whilst the battle is still ongoing, the victory has already been won through Jesus. Through the triumph over death at the cross God’s final victory against the enemy is assured, yet we still have a part to play in the battle.

Andy leads the rest of the service, speaking about Jesus being the good shepherd and Mike leads our sung worship.