Sermons on Psalms


Karen leads us in our final service for 2023 as we look back on the year and give thanks to God for His provisions to us. Several of the congregation share what they have to be thankful for and share their prayers for the coming year.

Pete leads us in our sung worship with many of the songs also chosen by members of the congregation.


Andrew Dalwood looks at David’s prayer in Psalm 26 and asks whether this would meet Jesus’ model for humility and repentence in prayer explained in Luke 18. Are we like David, too self-righteous in our prayers, too confident in our own abilities and forgetting where that righteousness truly comes from?

James leads the rest of the service, focussing on prayer for our country as the Coronation of Charles III is just around the corner, whilst Mike leads our sung worship.

Listening to God

As Chris begins his sabattical we have (for the next few months) a series of guest speakers, many of whom will be familiar to you. This week we welcome back Kevin Burdett who was minister at this church between 2000 and 2013. Kevin speaks to us about his experiences listening to God through the natural world. But are we listening?

Andy leads the rest of the service as we share communion together and Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.

Science Sunday 2022

There is a fallacy within the general public, often promoted by atheistic scientists, that science and faith are incompatable with one another. This is categorically not the case! For our Science Sunday 2022, we have invited Dr Ruth Bancewicz from the Faraday Institute to speak on her experiences on the subject and how she believes that science and faith can – and should – go hand-in-hand.

Chris leads the rest of the service and Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.

Love Is Not Easily Angered, Keeps No Record of Wrongs

Anger. It’s something that, if left unchecked, can take over our lives. We can be angry with each other, angry with ourselves, even angry with God. In the latest in our series on love, Chris looks at how love can overcome anger. The agape love that the Holy Spirit brings us allows us to forget our anger and forgive.

Karen leads the rest of the service as we hear how our mission of the month YWAM is helping with the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. Mike leads our sung worship.


This week we re-start a series we last looked at in May 2021, looking at Psalm 119: Life From A to Z. And quite appropriately, Chris’ focus for this service is remembering. Can we remember what we learnt over a year ago, and more importantly do we remember God’s promises that he’s made to us?

Susan leads the rest of the service whilst Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.


An all-age service on the subject of forgiveness. Last week we thought about repentance, and a large part of repentance is the forgiveness of others. What does it mean to forgive? And how does Jesus unlock the way to find forgiveness with God and with each other?

Chris and Lynne lead us through the service with readings, a performance from Lynn and Esther and a one of a kind, never to be replicated amateur dramatisation of the parable of the unforgiving servant.

Being a Worshipping Fellowship

This week we begin a new and slightly different series. We’ve learned over the past few weeks about building a loving, worshipping, learning, evangelistic and spirit-filled fellowship but how do we maintain it in the long term? In the first service, Lynne and Chris lead us through how we can be a worshipping fellowship. We learn that being a worshipping fellowship is about bringing our whole being, our whole life and every single one of our emotions and thoughts to God, not just the ones we pick and choose for Him to see.

Lynne also leads our sung worship alongside Mike and Nick.

Walking and Talking

We continue with our series in Psalm 119 and this week Chris looks at verses 41 to 48, given the Hebrew subtitle “Vau” or “Waw” (depending on your translation). Would you like to know God’s love more fully? Would you like to experience a greater freedom in your spiritual walk? Then keep watching or listening!
Ant leads the rest of the service, with an update on our mission of the month AiM, and Mike chooses this week’s worship time.