More and More

More and More Like Jesus

We conclude our All Age Service series with perhaps the most challenging subject of all. How can we become more and more like Jesus? Chris looks at the fruit of the spirit and shows us how by striving to obtain those attributes we can become more like Christ – the only person in history who was able to exhibit all nine!

Pete leads our sung worship this week and we also pray for our Mission of the Month for July, Stand By Me

More & More Faith

Shona leads June’s All Age Service, carrying on our theme of More & More and this month thinking about more and more faith. What different things can we do to help us grow in our faith in God? Susan, James and Chris all give examples from their lives of times when their faith has grown. We also have an introduction to the mission of the month, GenR8, from Lynn Hawkins.

Pete and Nick lead our sung worship with assistance from Ricky.

More and More Loving God’s Family

In our all age services we are continuing to look at the theme of “more and more” and this month we focus on loving God’s family. James leads the service as we think about how we can love each other as God loves us, by bearing with one another and chosing to forgive our fellow believers.

Mike and Dave lead our sung worship this week.

More and More Pleasing God

In the book of Matthew Jesus divides people into two groups: the sheep and the goats. The sheep follow God’s ways and are pleasing to him whereas the goats are more content in going their own way and this does not please God. In our All Age Service for April Chris looks at how we can be a sheep and not a goat, pleasing God through the ways that we serve him.

Ant is this weeks’ master of ceremonies and Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.

More and More Love

God’s love is big. Really big. Really, really, really big. It’s not anything we could possibly measure. Shona leads our all age service for March, looking at the “cycle of God’s love”:

1) God loves us

2) We have to share that love with others

3) Leads to praise and worship

Pete leads our sung worship this week.

More and More Thankfulness

This week in February’s all age service Chris introduces the theme for our all age services for the next few months: “More and More”. The universe is big. Really big. Really, really, really big and it’s getting bigger all the time, there’s more and more universe every day. Just like the universe, its creator, God, is awe inspiring. What we need to do is give more and more thanksgiving to him!

Mike and Lynne lead us in our sung worship this week.