Sermons by Susan Norris-Roberts

More & More Faith

Shona leads June’s All Age Service, carrying on our theme of More & More and this month thinking about more and more faith. What different things can we do to help us grow in our faith in God? Susan, James and Chris all give examples from their lives of times when their faith has grown. We also have an introduction to the mission of the month, GenR8, from Lynn Hawkins.

Pete and Nick lead our sung worship with assistance from Ricky.

What’s In Your Hand?

As Chris is away this week Susan brings us back to a question that we first asked ourselves in 2019, what is in your hand? That question has taken on far more meaning than we ever thought it could have done over the last year and a half, and because of that Susan asks us to reconsider our answer. After this pandemic is over, what have we got to offer God and our community?
Ant leads the rest of the service as he interviews Emily about her work as a nurse in the NHS and Mike leads our worship this week.

Model Prayer

This service is available in both video and audio format.
Whilst Chris takes a week off, Susan continues our look at the Sermon on the Mount. This week, we arrive at the model for Christian prayer, the Lord’s Prayer.
Shona leads the rest of the service as Tony gives us an update on our mission of the month, GenR8, Ricky leads prayers and Mike chooses the worship playlist.

Esther 8

Mordecai and Esther had different roles to play but were united in their goal. Similarly we are many but one body and we each have a part to play. In the light of this we should stand firm, putting on the full armour of God.
Susan reminds us of how God defeats the enemy in the places of despair and loss of hope; challenges us to identify those areas of our lives where despair and resignation have set in; and encourages us with the good news that the Lord, who is our shepherd, longs to shepherd our souls through every disappointment in life and to bring restoration. He restores our souls.

Esther 1

As we begin a new series in Esther, Susan looks at the first chapter explaining how we can see that God acts even when it’s not immediately obvious. Chapter 1 sets the stage for everything that is to come…

Resurrection 2: Resurrection Evening

On the evening after Jesus rose from the dead, two disciples were travelling to Emmaus. On the way they met someone they didn’t expect to see. Meanwhile in Jerusalem, the remaining eleven apostles were gathered trying to decide what to do next when suddenly something amazing happened. Susan explores the effect these events had on the disciples and their continual effect in our lives today.