Sermons on 2 Corinthians

God’s Power Made Perfect

As we begin to draw to the end of our 2 Corinthians series we see Paul get more and more passionate that God’s power works in him through (and despite) his weaknesses. What do we define as ‘weakness’ and do we need to reassess our attitudes towards them?

Karen leads the rest of the service whilst Mike and Lynne lead our sung worship.

Boldness in Gentleness

We carry on with our series in 2 Corinthians with Chris this week looking at chapters 9 and 10 where we find Paul defending himself against his critics, the so-called “super apostles”. In chapter 9 he reassures the Corinthians that the gifts that they provide will be used to lend support during the famine in Jerusalem and not to line the pockets of him and his companions. Then in chapter 10 he writes about where his authority to preach comes from and how he can boast of his achievements through God and not through his own sense of self-importance.

Karen leads the rest of the service whilst Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.

Joy in Trouble

We continue our look at 2 Corinthians this week, with Chris looking at chapters 7 and 8. In these chapters Paul expresses his great relief that he had finally been reunited with Titus in Macedonia, and rejoices that his previous (now missing) letter to the Corinthian church had been recieved as God intended and did not harm them as he feared. He also speaks about our giving creating joy. We are reminded that Jesus became poor for our sake so that we may become rich through his sacrifice.

Ant leads the rest of the service, taking part of his inspiration from TikTok (of all places!), whilst Nick and Pete lead our sung worship.

Honour in Service

We carry on with our studies in 2 Corinthians this week, with Chris looking at how Paul looks at the honour that is given to those in service to God. We thought a couple of weeks ago at how we are called to be ambassadors for Christ and in this passage Paul initially paints what on the surface is a not-very-inviting picture of what this may entail, but reminds us that our goal is ultimately to live for God and be set apart as his holy people. We are looked on kindly by God because of our sufferings, not in spite of them.

Andy leads the rest of the service with a rare sporting analogy that may very well be less relevant by about 10pm tonight (14th July) than it was this morning whilst Lynne and Dave lead our sung worship.

Reconciliation in Christ

Our series in 2 Corinthians continues with Chris speaking on chapters 4 and 5. In these two chapters Paul sets out the reasoning for his ministry, why he feels called to do what he did and preach the way that he does. We particularly focus on they way that Paul is called to preach reconciliation through Jesus and how as Christians we are ambassador’s of God’s coming kingdom here on Earth.

Ant leads the rest of the service with some reflections on his time away at Sizewell last week, whist Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.

Freedom in the Spirit

We continue our new series in 2 Corinthians, looking at the passages which directly surround our year text for this year. Chris speaks on Paul’s writings about his visit to Troas where – unexpectedly to Paul – God opened a door to the gospel being preached there, and his later reflections on where his authority comes from and the difference in attitudes people who follow the old or new covenants have. All this leads to our year text, and the crux of Paul’s message: it is only through the Spirit of God that we can find true freedom.

Andy leads the rest of the service whilst Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.

Comfort in Trouble

We start a new series this week looking at Paul’s second published (third overall) letter to the Corinthians. Paul finds himself writing to a deeply troubled church, his previous visit had not been particularly well recieved and Paul himself had recently been under extreme pressure during his time in what we would now call modern-day Turkey. As such, he writes in his opening passages about God’s comfort. As Christians we are not promised a trouble-free life – quite the opposite in fact! – but we are reassured that God has anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, put his Spirit in our hearts and will ultimately make us stand firm in Christ.

Susan leads the rest of the service whilst Lynne and Dave lead our sung worship.

Sharing Service

As we begin to prepare for our away day in a fortnight’s time Karen and Chris lead a sharing service where the floor is left open for any member of the congregation to bring pictures, words, scriptures, senses of God’s presence, anything that they feel is from the Lord. What is God saying to us as a Church as we navigate our way through a sometimes troubling and difficult world?

Lynne and Dave lead our sung worship.

2024 Year Text in Context

After introducing our year text for 2024 a couple of weeks ago, Chris now looks at the verse in the original context. What was Paul trying to say to the Corinthians through this part of his letter, and how is that teaching going to be applicable to our lives throughout 2024?

Andy leads the rest of the service with an update on the Mission of the Month for January, CSW, whilst Mike leads our sung worship this week.

Vision Service 2024

As we continue into 2024 we take some time this week to look back on what God has done through the church over the last year. Chris leads us through some of the ways that we’ve been led as a church and looks forward to what is going to happen in the coming year. We also reveal our year text and Chris speaks briefly about the meaning and decision behind the verse being chosen. But more on that in a couple of weeks!

Susan leads the rest of the service with a reflection on the Psalms whilst Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.