Sermons on 1 John

More and More Like Jesus

We conclude our All Age Service series with perhaps the most challenging subject of all. How can we become more and more like Jesus? Chris looks at the fruit of the spirit and shows us how by striving to obtain those attributes we can become more like Christ – the only person in history who was able to exhibit all nine!

Pete leads our sung worship this week and we also pray for our Mission of the Month for July, Stand By Me

Being a Learning Fellowship

We continue our series on being a fellowship by this week looking at being a learning fellowship. Instead of our normal sermon we broke into three mini study groups to have a discussion with each other around 1 John 3 and what we each take from it. The groups then fed back to the whole congregation. For those watching online, Chris has provided a video for you to follow whilst we were discussing in the building.

Andy leads the rest of the service with prayers for Mother’s Day and Lynne and Mike lead our sung worship.

Building a Loving Fellowship

In 2002, the church adopted a mission statement saying that we are working towards building a loving, worshipping, learning, evangelistic and Spirit filled fellowship. 20 years later Chris begins a new series centred around our year text examining how we can continue to use that statement to build up our fellowship in 2022. This week he looks at how we can build a loving fellowship.
Karen leads the rest of the service whilst Lynne and Mike lead our sung worship.

Vision Service 2022

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18
This week was our vision service for 2022. Chris spends some time reflecting on what God has done through the church in the last year, giving thanks for His provision, as well as introducing us to our year text for 2022 and looking forward to the continuing work in the coming year.
Susan leads the rest of the service, as members of the congregation bring their revelations from God for the new year. Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.

Barriers to Faith – Sin

This week Chris continues our mini-series on blockers to faith by looking at the big one: sin. Meanwhile Karen leads the rest of the service, bringing us updates from Tearfund and introducing songs selected this week by Mike.