Sermons on Galatians

More and More Like Jesus

We conclude our All Age Service series with perhaps the most challenging subject of all. How can we become more and more like Jesus? Chris looks at the fruit of the spirit and shows us how by striving to obtain those attributes we can become more like Christ – the only person in history who was able to exhibit all nine!

Pete leads our sung worship this week and we also pray for our Mission of the Month for July, Stand By Me

Covenant Service

This Sunday we held our annual covenant service, which gives us the opportunity after our AGM this past week to renew our commitment and covenant with God and with each other. We also pray for and commission our leaders for the coming year. Chris speaks briefly on the Fruit and Gifts of the Spirit and encourages us to choose one of each to focus and ask God for help with on over the coming year.

Mike leads our sung worship this week.

Being a Spirit Filled Fellowship Part 3: How Can I Be Filled With the Holy Spirit?

We continue our series on being a spirit filled fellowship with Chris this week asking the question of how we can be filled with the Holy Spirit. Well, there’s a simple answer for that: ask! And keep on asking. But how do we overcome some of the barriers that keep us from asking?

After the message we had a period of time to allow us to ask God for His Holy Spirit to fill us and exercise spiritual gifts. Mike and Lynne lead our sung worship.

The Glory of the Cross

Kath Robinson continues the series, reminding us that we can’t begin to earn our salvation – all we can do is boast about The Cross. Once, the cross was considered disgraceful, but Paul turns it around into his boast about God’s love for us and our salvation. If we boast in the glory of The Cross, then we can boast in nothing else. When we boast in The Cross it changes everything for us – our values and our identity. When we humble ourselves and recognise our inadequacies before God then Christ becomes our strength. This is the glory of The Cross of which we boast.

Spreading the Gospel

Ian Randall preaches on Galatians 1:11-24, using the story of Paul as an example of the transforming power of the Gospel. He then looks at some of the people associated with Cambridge over the years whose lives had also been transformed by the light of Christ such that they responded by sharing the Gospel abroad.…