Sermons from 2022 (Page 5)

Being a Loving Fellowship

We continue our new series on Being a Fellowship. This week Chris invites Sally Sagoe, minister at King’s Street Baptist Church in Thetford, to share how they have incorporated being a loving fellowship into their daily lives as a church. Sally speaks about the initiatives they have begun to explore and particularly how they have partnered with the Kintsugi Hope mission.

James leads the rest of the service, with a video from BMS regarding the ongoing humanitarian situation in Ukraine and Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.

Being a Worshipping Fellowship

This week we begin a new and slightly different series. We’ve learned over the past few weeks about building a loving, worshipping, learning, evangelistic and spirit-filled fellowship but how do we maintain it in the long term? In the first service, Lynne and Chris lead us through how we can be a worshipping fellowship. We learn that being a worshipping fellowship is about bringing our whole being, our whole life and every single one of our emotions and thoughts to God, not just the ones we pick and choose for Him to see.

Lynne also leads our sung worship alongside Mike and Nick.

Covenant Service 2022

Each year following the church AGM we reserve the next Sunday as our covenant service to allow us to re-commission our leaders and renew our covenant with each other and with God. This year Chris looks at the role of love in our spiritual gifts and encourages us to show our love of God through exercising them to build up the church.

Susan leads the rest of the service as we re-commit ourselves for the coming year. We also have a time of prayer for the ongoing situation in Ukraine and Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.

Building an Evangelistic Fellowship

Our series on building a fellowship continues as Chris this week looks at building an evangelistic fellowship. What does it mean to be an evangelist? What would an evangelistic fellowship look like? We examine how not all evangelists are called to proclaim the gospel from a prominent platform, how we are all evangelists in our own way with the non-Christians that we mix with every day and how we can encourage them in their steps of faith.

Andy leads the rest of the service with music led by Lynne and Mike and communion led by Chris.

Building a Learning Fellowship

Our series on Building a Fellowship continues, this week Chris looks at building a learning fellowship. On the face of it this can seem quite easy, but actually requires us to be accutely attentive and aware. How can we move from people that simply listen to God to people that learn and put what we’ve heard into action?
Shona leads the rest of the service with an update from the BMS Birthday Scheme and Lynne and Mike lead our sung worship.

Building a Worshipping Fellowship

Chris continues our new series looking at the church’s mission statement with the second statement: building a worshipping fellowship. Just how can our worship inform our day-to-day lives and not just for a couple of hours on a Sunday? How can we move from singing the songs and praying the prayers to actually living out those words?
James leads the rest of the service with Pete leading our sung worship this week.

Building a Loving Fellowship

In 2002, the church adopted a mission statement saying that we are working towards building a loving, worshipping, learning, evangelistic and Spirit filled fellowship. 20 years later Chris begins a new series centred around our year text examining how we can continue to use that statement to build up our fellowship in 2022. This week he looks at how we can build a loving fellowship.
Karen leads the rest of the service whilst Lynne and Mike lead our sung worship.

Vision Service 2022

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18
This week was our vision service for 2022. Chris spends some time reflecting on what God has done through the church in the last year, giving thanks for His provision, as well as introducing us to our year text for 2022 and looking forward to the continuing work in the coming year.
Susan leads the rest of the service, as members of the congregation bring their revelations from God for the new year. Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.

The Harvest is Plentiful But the Workers Are Few

As Chris is away this week, our visiting speaker is Roger Standing, former principal of Spurgeon’s College in London (and son-in-law of one of our members!). Roger speaks on the sending of the 72 from Luke’s gospel, encouraging us at the start of a new year that we should go forward in faith, even though we might not know what is ahead, and that although the work of a Christian will not be easy it will be eternally rewarding.
Ant leads us through the rest of the service with some surprising insight into surnames, whilst Mike leads the sung worship.