Sermons from 2021 (Page 6)

Year Text 2021

This week we have our Vision Service for 2021. This is traditionally a service where our year text is revealed to the congregation via another wonderful banner that Kath has designed, but this year you will have to use your imaginations. In this year’s service Chris expands on our year text for 2021 and looks forward to how God will use us as a church through the new year.
Karen leads the rest of the service, bringing us an update from CSW, our Mission of the Month for January. Mike chooses the music.


Happy New Year! As we enter 2021, Kath looks at an overview of our Advent series on the Prophets of Advent and asks whether we are prepared to do in 2021 what God asks of us, even if it means stepping far outside our comfort zones.Andy leads the rest of the service, giving an explanation of the Christian background to one of the most well-known secular Christmas songs and Pete chooses the music for the worship time.