Sermons by Chris Johnson (Page 8)

Spiritual Warfare: A Biblical Foundation

This week we begin a new series looking at spiritual warfare, and to start us off Chris looks at the Biblical basis for our beliefs surrounding the subject. He examines how the earthly and spiritual realms are interconnected, what happens in one has effects in the other, and looks at the power of prayer to influence those battles that we cannot see.

James leads the rest of the service with prayers for our Mission of the Month (Asia Link) and Nick leads our sung worship.

Year Text in Context 2023

A few weeks ago we revealed our year text for 2023: let your light shine (Matt. 5:16). This week Chris looks at the verse in it’s original context, towards the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount. We find the verse nestled between the Beatitudes and Jesus’ teaching that whoever obeys the commands of God will find themselves called great in the kingdom of Heaven. What does that therefore mean for our year text?

Karen leads the rest of the service with our sung worship led by Pete and Nick.

Unity Service 2023: Be-Longing

This week we were joined by those from other churches in Burwell and the surrounding villages and towns for our annual Unity service. This year the theme focussed on racial justice. Chris speaks on the parable of the Good Samaritan, how that helped to break down racial barriers in the time of Jesus and how it can help us in the 21st century too.

The rest of the service contains prayers and reflections led by each of the four denominations in the village whilst our sung worship is led by Mike and Nick.


In the light (pun intended) of our year text for 2023, “let your light shine”, Chris looks at Paul’s teaching to the church in Phillipi to do everything without grumbling or arguing so that our light might shine. Grumbling leads to discontent, which in turn leads to the bowl being placed over our light, both personally and as a church. How can we keep ourselves from grumbling?

Susan leads the rest of the service as Pete brings us an update from our Mission of the Month, CSW, and leads our sung worship alongside Nick.

Vision Service 2023

This week we held our Vision Service for 2023. The vision service is a chance for us as a church to reflect on what God has done in the previous year and look forward to His provision in the year to come. It also gives us the opportunity to revel our year text for 2023, taken from Matthew 5:16. Let your light shine!

Andy leads the service, with the message given by Chris and sung worship led by Mike.

Advent in 4D: John

This week we complete our Advent series with Chris looking at John’s account of the coming of Jesus. Like Mark he dispenses with the story of the birth, choosing not to to focus on the literal events that took place but on the immense implications of Jesus’ arrival. He takes us right the way back to Genesis and Exodus to explain how the same God that created the world and had spoken to Moses through the burning bush came down to Earth in the form of Jesus. His purpose is to explain these events so that through the spirit-influenced writings we may be confident in our belief in Jesus.

Karen leads the rest of the service whilst Mike leads our sung worship and we also share communion together.

Advent in 4D: Luke

As we get ever closer to Christmas Chris continues our Advent series looking at how the four gospel writers introduce Jesus. This week we think about Luke, the historian. Luke was a learned man, he was a man of evidence-based research and he spends a significant amount of time in his gospel not just relaying the stories of Jesus’ life but explaining the evidence for them so that we can be sure what is written is true. His introduction to Jesus’ life is no different. What evidence can we see that makes us trust in God more?

Mike and Lynne lead our sung worship and we have an update from our mission of the month, BMS.

Advent in 4D: Matthew

As we enter the season of Advent, looking forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus at Christmas, this year we are looking at how each Gospel writer records that event. Chris begins by looking at Matthew, the teacher, who opens his book with a recording of the genealogy of Jesus showing that Jesus came both from the line of kings but also a group of ordinary people who didn’t know their part in the great events to come. Yet through that line, God kept his promise. How do we see God keeping his promises today?

Andy leads the rest of the service with a game that is a twist on an old TV show, whilst Mike and Lynne lead our sung worship. We also share Communion together.

Love Never Fails

In the conclusion to our recent series on Love, we look at Paul’s final and definitive statement that love never fails. Chris examines how things like prophecy and knowledge will cease as we move from the “now” where we currently are to the “then” when Jesus returns in his glory but how love will endure. Love both leads us to God and keeps us in His presence, ever-enduring and never ceasing.

Pete and Nick lead our sung worship and we also have an update from Trevor about November’s Mission of the Month, Mercy Ships.