Worship @ Home (Page 2)

Zoom Communion 1 Peter

And now for something completely different. Spoiler alert: that won’t be the last time you hear that particular franchise referenced today.
On Sunday we attempted to hold a live virtual service via Zoom so that we were able to share communion together. This is a recording of that service. Due to the nature of Zoom recordings unfortunately the video quality is not fantastic, but we hope that you can still get a sense of God’s presence amongst us despite our separation.

Prophecy Today

This service is available in both video and audio format.
In light of our current situation, Chris looks at the Biblical basis for prophecies and explores how they work today. Lynne leads the rest of the service and introduces poetry from Barry, an update from the Hurley family and prayers from Vanessa.
The music playlist for this week’s worship time, chosen by Lynne, is in the paragraph below the video.

Palm Sunday 2020

This service is available in both video and audio format.

As we enter a very different Holy Week to the one we were expecting a few weeks ago, Chris looks at Palm Sunday through the way it is reported in John’s gospel. Susan is our service leader and she also introduces updates from Amanda, Nick and Emily, prayers from Lynne and a Palm Sunday poem read by Shona.

Mike has chosen the music for this week and the playlist can be found in the paragraph underneath the video.

Esther 10

This service is available in both video and audio format.

Chris concludes our series in Esther and ties up the themes and threads that have been running through the past few months. He also asks how we can apply them to our unusual current situation. Elsewhere in the service, Ricky leads prayers, Karen explains how the situation is affecting her and Barry and Lynne read a poem together.

Also, one of our worship leaders, Pete Roberts, has chosen the songs for us to listen to this morning. The playlist can be found in the paragraph below the video.

Worship@Home Begins

This service is available in both video and audio format.

In a world that suddenly seems a lot different to the one that we’re used to, this week we have a very different kind of service. The outbreak of coronavirus and the drastic measures we have all now had to take to slow down it’s spread seem to have taken us all completely by surprise and underprepared. But were we?

In the first of what we’re all praying is a very short series of video services Chris looks at what God has been teaching us as a church over the past year and how we can use all that we have heard to help us deal with the new situations we find ourselves in. We also have prayers from Susan and reflective poetry read by Barry.

To help it feel more like a proper service, Lynne has put together a playlist of songs that you can listen to after the message and reflect on how God is prompting you to respond. Find the YouTube playlist in the paragraph below the video.