Sermon Archive (Page 5)


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More and More Loving God’s Family

In our all age services we are continuing to look at the theme of “more and more” and this month we focus on loving God’s family. James leads the service as we think about how we can love each other as God loves us, by bearing with one another and chosing to forgive our fellow believers.

Mike and Dave lead our sung worship this week.

Acts 11, Part Two

This week in our Acts series we see the focus shifting from Peter to the spread of the Gospel to the north of Israel in Antioch (on the modern day Turkish/Syrian border) and Barnabas’ mission to bring encouragement and teaching to the newly-named Christian community there. During his time in Antioch Barnabas recruits Saul, who the apostles had previously sent to Tarsus, to join him. This initial spread of Christianity may have seemed random and disorganised but – as Chris encourages us – God often uses disorder to bring forward his purposes. What apparent disorder can we see today that God is working through?

Andy leads the rest of the service as we invite the Holy Spirit to take away all our inhibitions and Lynne and Dave lead our sung worship.

Acts 11, Part One

This week in our Acts series we find Peter returing to Jerusalem from Caesarea and reporting back to the church what had happened before and during his visit to Cornelius. We see a reiteration of his belief that God has opened up the Holy Spirit to the Gentiles, and Chris looks at why this may have been a challenge to the Jewish believers. He also explains that – as most of us in the west are Gentiles – in accepting Jesus we are also grafted into the (historic) people of Israel and can share in their promised inheritance.

Susan leads the rest of the service whilst Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.

Acts 10

We continue with our study of the book of Acts this week as Chris leads us through Acts 10. Up until now the church had been composed of what we would now call Messianic Jews – Jews who have accepted the grace of Jesus. But now with Peter’s vision and visit to Cornelius it is abundantly clear that the message is not just for the Jews but the Gentiles too. God reveals to Peter that his gift of the Holy Spirit is for all, Jew and Gentile alike. And thank goodness for that, because it means us too!

Karen leads the rest of the service as we pray for our Mission of the Month, Home Mission, whilst Mike and Lynne lead our sung worship.

More and More Pleasing God

In the book of Matthew Jesus divides people into two groups: the sheep and the goats. The sheep follow God’s ways and are pleasing to him whereas the goats are more content in going their own way and this does not please God. In our All Age Service for April Chris looks at how we can be a sheep and not a goat, pleasing God through the ways that we serve him.

Ant is this weeks’ master of ceremonies and Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.

A New Beginning, Easter 2024

Christ is Risen! We celebrate Easter this year with Chris challenging us to have a new beginning. Every person has a choice: shall we conform to the world or shall we follow Jesus? We are (strongly!) encouraged to choose Jesus and choose life!

Susan leads the rest of the service whilst Lynne, Pete and Dave lead our sung worship.

Palm Sunday 2024

Who do you say Jesus is? In our service for Palm Sunday this year Chris challenges us to go beyond the surface level “Palm Sunday” faith, let Jesus work through us and live our lives to our true potential.

Ant leads the rest of the service with a reflection on the many names of Jesus whilst Lynne and Dave lead our sung worship.

Acts 9, Part Three

Chris continues our study of the book of Acts, this week closing out chapter 9 back with Peter as Luke recounts his journeys to Lydda and Joppa and the miraculous signs that were performed there. First we hear about the healing of Aeneas who had been paralysed for 8 years, and then the raising of Tabitha from the dead in Joppa. In both cases God used these miracles as the catalyst for even more, as the news of Jesus continued to spread in Israel and beyond.

Karen leads the rest of the service as Lynne gives an update on our Mission of the Month, YFC, and Pete leads our sung worship. We also share communion together.

Acts 9, Part Two

This week we return to our series in Acts, specifically looking at what Saul (Paul) does immediately after his experience with Jesus on the road to Damascus. Chris looks at Saul’s new calling to preach what would then have been an extremely radical message in Damascus, Arabia and Jerusalem: that Jesus is the risen Son of God!

Andy leads the rest of the service as we celebrate and pray for the women of the church in the light of Mother’s Day (aka Mothering Sunday) and International Women’s Day this past week. Lynne and Dave lead our sung worship.

More and More Love

God’s love is big. Really big. Really, really, really big. It’s not anything we could possibly measure. Shona leads our all age service for March, looking at the “cycle of God’s love”:

1) God loves us

2) We have to share that love with others

3) Leads to praise and worship

Pete leads our sung worship this week.