Sermons from February 2024

Covenant Service

This Sunday we held our annual covenant service, which gives us the opportunity after our AGM this past week to renew our commitment and covenant with God and with each other. We also pray for and commission our leaders for the coming year. Chris speaks briefly on the Fruit and Gifts of the Spirit and encourages us to choose one of each to focus and ask God for help with on over the coming year.

Mike leads our sung worship this week.


Jim Gourlay joins us this week to give an update on AsiaLink, an overseas mission organisation which enables local churches and organisations in Asia to bring God’s message of light and love to those who don’t yet have it. He also speaks on the sacrifices that Jesus calls us to make to become his disciples.

James leads the rest of the service whilst Pete leads our sung worship.

Acts 9, Part 1

This week we resume our series in Acts, which we began last summer. If you can’t remember back that far (the last part was in September after all!) Chris gives us a brief catch-up on what has happened so far before we look at Saul’s encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. This is the start of the amazing turnaround in Saul’s life from being one of the chief persecutors of early Christianity to becoming probably the most prolific evangelist in church history. God can use anyone!

Karen leads the rest of the service whilst Pete leads our sung worship this week.

More and More Thankfulness

This week in February’s all age service Chris introduces the theme for our all age services for the next few months: “More and More”. The universe is big. Really big. Really, really, really big and it’s getting bigger all the time, there’s more and more universe every day. Just like the universe, its creator, God, is awe inspiring. What we need to do is give more and more thanksgiving to him!

Mike and Lynne lead us in our sung worship this week.