Sermon Archive (Page 39)


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T-Shirt Slogans: 1 Timothy 3:1

In the second in our series of Paul’s T-shirt slogans Chris explores a trustworthy saying about Eldership. He seeks to understand why this is a key saying for Paul and how we can respond in our attitudes to our leaders and our own individual roles in shepherding the flock under our care.

T-Shirt Slogans: 1 Tim 1:15

The slogans and catch phrases which we repeat reflect our culture. The Apostle Paul selected 5 pithy sayings which he said were trustworthy. In this series Chris explores how these phrases speak to transform our minds by the renewing of the Spirit. In the first talk we consider the saying Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners – of whom I am the worst. These are words which break the power of pride and self pity, assure us of salvation and propel us in to service for Christ. A trustworthy saying indeed!

Prayer Life: The Church

As we celebrate Pentecost Chris explores the connection between prayer and the Holy Spirit in the early church. As we pray God’s Spirit will inspire us to pray more then as we are filled with the Spirit we will grow in knowledge, wisdom and understanding on how to pray and be inspired to pray more powerfully. The best place to start is right where you are!


Simon Bailey preaches on 1 Thessalonians Chapter 1, reminding us that faithful prayer bears fruit and that God is already at work preparing hearts to respond to Him.

“I will pour water on those who are thirsty and flood the dry ground.”

The Sabbath

Peter Finnis preaches on Matthew 11 vs 28 – 12 vs 14 and Jesus’ attitude towards the Sabbath.

In contrast to the Old Testament Sabbath and the views of the Pharisees, we learn that Sabbath rest is wholeness and well-being in our whole lives, to be found only in Jesus when we walk alongside Him. Sabbath rest for the people of God is to submit our efforts and our work to Him – to enter God’s rest in order to rest from our own work.

Our lives surrendered to Christ brings rest and what follows is Christ’s work in us.

“Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in God”

Prayer Life: David

Chris continues the series on prayer by looking at David’s prayer life. David’s extensive and varied prayer life causes us to examine our own and ask if we always prayer with our whole heart. If we don’t, then perhaps we don’t recognise our desperate need of God or that God is trustworthy.

Prayer life: Moses

The disciples ask Jesus to teach them to pray. Jesus taught them how to pray and how not to pray. Prayer then is something that can and must be learnt. In this series Chris examines the prayer lives of some of the most effective prayers in Scripture and asks what we can learn. The series begins with Moses from whom we learn how to ensure the work we do for the LORD lasts.