Sermons from September 2024

God’s Power Made Perfect

As we begin to draw to the end of our 2 Corinthians series we see Paul get more and more passionate that God’s power works in him through (and despite) his weaknesses. What do we define as ‘weakness’ and do we need to reassess our attitudes towards them?

Karen leads the rest of the service whilst Mike and Lynne lead our sung worship.

Boasting in Weakness

This week, after our breif summer detour, we return to our study in 2 Corinthians. Chris focusses on chapter 11 where Paul is laying out the key differences between his ministry and that of the “super-apostles” and false prophets whose main aim seemed to be to elevate themselves instead of Christ. He does this by speaking of his boasts – not of his own achievements but of his trials and weaknesses.

Susan leads the rest of the service as Lynne gives an update from the Mission of the Month, our very own Cooking Together at Home initiative, and Pete leads our sung worship.

Old Testament Heroines – Rahab

As it is the first Sunday of the month we hold our regular All Age Service for September. We continue a mini-series looking at the heroines of the Old Testament, those women whose impact resonates down the ages in their service to God. This month Shona looks at Rahab, a Canaanite who God not only saved but wove into the family line of the Messiah. We see how her act of faith save her family and ultimately all who put their faith in Jesus.