Sermons by Chris Johnson (Page 9)

Love Always

In our All Age Service for November, Chris looks at verse 7 of 1 Corinthians 13. “[Love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” (NIV)
What does that mean? How does God practically show that protection, trust, hope and perseverence and how can we show those qualities to others?

Mike and Lynne lead our sung worship and Vanessa launches our Operation Christmas Child appeal for 2022.

Love Does Not Delight In Evil But Rejoices With The Truth

In a world where absolute truth is increasingly being sidelined by opinions stated as truth as Christians we have the task of making sure that the truth of Jesus doesn’t get diluted by false truths and alternate facts. How do we do that? Chris looks at how – through the ability to love given to us through the Holy Spirit – we can confront the sin and evil in the world with the truth of Jesus.

Susan leads the rest of the service with our final YWAM update, and Pete leads our sung worship.

Love Is Not Easily Angered, Keeps No Record of Wrongs

Anger. It’s something that, if left unchecked, can take over our lives. We can be angry with each other, angry with ourselves, even angry with God. In the latest in our series on love, Chris looks at how love can overcome anger. The agape love that the Holy Spirit brings us allows us to forget our anger and forgive.

Karen leads the rest of the service as we hear how our mission of the month YWAM is helping with the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. Mike leads our sung worship.

Love Does Not Envy, Does Not Boast, Is Not Proud

When we look at the gifts that God has given others, it can be very easy to fall into the trap of either being jealous of that person or considering your gifts to be of greater value than theirs. This week Chris reminds us that love does not envy, does not boast and is not proud. Each person has a gift and each gift has a part to play in God’s plan. We shouldn’t need to be envious or value ourselves above anyone else.

Andy leads the rest of the service as we hear a bit about our mission of the month, YWAM, and Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.


This Sunday we live in a world irreversibly changed from the one we are used to. Queen Elizabeth II was a woman of exceedingly strong faith and who was fully aware of her significance and responsibility to God and to the people she served. But what about us? Chris looks at where our significance lies and reminds us that whilst we may seem insignificant God views us completely differently.

Karen leads the rest of the service with reflections and prayers for the new King and the Royal Family whilst Pete leads our sung worship.

Jesus Raises Lazarus

Over the summer we have been looking at four of Jesus’ healing miracles from John’s gospel. This week in the final part of the series Chris speaks on perhaps the most incredible miracle of all – the raising of Lazarus from the dead. We are reminded that God doesn’t always work to our earthly timelines but uses all things to reveal His glory.

James leads the rest of the service with sung worship this week led by Nick and Pete.


This week we re-start a series we last looked at in May 2021, looking at Psalm 119: Life From A to Z. And quite appropriately, Chris’ focus for this service is remembering. Can we remember what we learnt over a year ago, and more importantly do we remember God’s promises that he’s made to us?

Susan leads the rest of the service whilst Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.

Jesus Heals The Man Born Blind

In the next part of our summer series on Jesus’ healing miracles throughout John Chris loosk at the story of Jesus healing the man born blind. What does the man’s reaction to Jesus say about our faith? Have we met the Son of Man?

Andy leads the rest of the service with a moment of minor embarassment whilst Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.

Jesus Heals The Paralysed Man

Continuing in our summer series on Jesus’ healing miracles, this week Chris looks at the healing of the paralysed man in Jerusalem. Why did Jesus choose to heal just him and not the others surrounding the pool? And what does the conversation Jesus has with him have to teach us about our attitudes towards miraculous healing?

Shona leads the rest of the service with sung worship led by Pete.