Prophets of Advent


Happy New Year! As we enter 2021, Kath looks at an overview of our Advent series on the Prophets of Advent and asks whether we are prepared to do in 2021 what God asks of us, even if it means stepping far outside our comfort zones.Andy leads the rest of the service, giving an explanation of the Christian background to one of the most well-known secular Christmas songs and Pete chooses the music for the worship time.

Prophets of Advent – Gabriel

Chris concludes our Advent series looking at the Prophets of Advent by looking at the message that Gabriel gives to Mary.
James leads the rest of the service, introducing carols and bringing us an update on our Mission of the Month, BMS World Mission. Sally brings our prayers and Freya does the reading. Pete has chosen the songs for our worship time at the end of the service.

Prophets of Advent – Micah

Chris continues our 2020 Advent series looking at the prophets of the Old Testament. This week he focuses on Micah.
Shona leads the rest of the service, reflecting on the third candle of our Advent wreath and introducing our sung worship.

Prophets of Advent – Jeremiah

Chris continues our Advent series for this year on prophets of the Old Testament by looking at Jeremiah.
Lynne leads the rest of the service, with contributions from Sue and Graham as well as Emily who guides us in prayer for the NHS and healthcare workers.

Prophets of Advent – Isaiah

Believe it or not, Advent is upon us once again. As we enter that familiar time of year in somewhat unfamiliar circumstances, this year our Advent series focusses on some of the Old Testament prophets that prophecied about and predicted Jesus’ life. This week Chris looks at Isaiah.
Susan leads the rest of the service, looking at the symbolism of hope in the first Advent candle and Lynne chooses the music for the worship time.