Frontline Sundays

Together We Grow

Happy New Year! As we begin a new year, we conclude our latest All Age series on Frontline Sundays, this month looking at how Together We Grow. God did not intend for Christians to walk the journey alone, we are called to be members of a community: the church. Chris explores how being part of the church helps us hold on to hope, spur one another on and encourages us to keep meeting.
Shona leads the rest of the service whilst Pete leads our sung worship.

Whoever We Are

Our All-Age series on Frontline Sundays continues for December, with Chris looking at how we can show the love of God whoever we are. He examines the Lord’s Prayer in detail, explaining how each of the lines explains how we can worship God in our situation.
Ant leads the rest of the service whilst Mike leads the sung worship.

Wherever We Are

Chris and Shona lead the next service in our All-Age series Frontline Sundays. This time they look at where we spend our time during the week and how we can shine God’s light wherever we are.
Mike leads the sung worship.