Advent 2024


We continue on the journey towards Christmas by lighting the forth candle on our advent wreath, this year representing love. Chris speaks on the word given to Joseph by the angel of the Lord in a dream leading to his decision to marry Mary. We discover the love of Joseph, Mary and most of all,…


We continue on the journey towards Christmas by lighting the third candle on our advent wreath, this year representing joy. Chris speaks on the word given to Mary by Gabriel and her subsequent visit to see Zechariah and Elizabeth. In this we see the three aspects of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, all present, working as one and inviting Mary to participate in God’s great plan. He then contrasts it with the act of communion, the Lord’s Supper, where at the other end of Jesus’ earthly life we are all now invited to participate in that great plan of God.

Andy leads the rest of the service thinking about the origin of the word joy and its importance in the Bible whilst Lynne and Dave lead our sung worship.


Ant leads our all-age service for December, choosing the theme of wonder as his subject for this month. God has many names in the Bible, at this time of year we focus on the name Immanuel, God With Us, and the wonder that Jesus’ coming brings into our lives.

Mike leads our sung worship this week.