Sermons by Anthony Cobbold


Ant leads our all-age service for December, choosing the theme of wonder as his subject for this month. God has many names in the Bible, at this time of year we focus on the name Immanuel, God With Us, and the wonder that Jesus’ coming brings into our lives.

Mike leads our sung worship this week.

Peace, Love and Joy

A very happy new year to you all! Ant leads us in our first all-age service of the year, taking his inspiration from Chris’ Advent series of last month. How do we experience God’s peace, love and joy in our lives?

Mike leads our sung worship this week.

King of Kings

This week we hold our All-Age service for May. Ant leads us through the service, based around the coronation of King Charles III. We are reminded that whilst Charles may now be our earthly king, we also serve and worship a King greater than any power on Earth.

Mike leads our sung worship this week.

God Knows Us Intimately

Ant leads our All-Age service for February. This month his theme is how God knows us often better than we know ourselves, and Ant looks at this by reviving a certain 1970s game show…
Chris leads prayers, James gives us a brief overview of Asia Link (our mission of the month for February) and Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.