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Chris helps us to identify God’s purpose for our church and challenges us to do whatever it takes to fulfil our calling.
Chris continues the series of 1 Corinthians in Chapter 8, drawing parallels between our situation today and the culture of the day in which the early church found itself. He reiterates Paul’s conclusion that what matters is not our often inadequate and incomplete knowledge of God, but that God knows and loves us.
David Taylor preaches on Mark Chapter 13 and encourages us to remain spiritually vigilent and confident to face the future in the light of His return.
Rev Chris Johnson examines the essential role of thanksgiving in the Christian’s life.
Chris helps us to reflect on recent prophetic words from God relating to open doors. He explores which doors are open, which we need to open and which we are called to pray for God to open.
Chris teaches from the book of Revelation which gives us spiritual insight into the various encounters with the risen Jesus that occur in the last days. That is in the time between Jesus ascension and His return. This book gives a glimpse of earthly events from a heavenly perspective and encourages us to be overcomers.
Peter Finnis shares some fresh insights into the parable of the Prodigal Son.
Chris examines Mary and Martha’s encounters with Jesus.
Chris highlights the nature of the encounter of those Jesus healed. One might have thought that a healing encounter with Jesus might inevitably lead to the healed person following Jesus as Lord. But through the healings recorded in the gospels we discover that is far from certain.
In this message Chris explores the way in which John the Baptist’s view of Jesus was transformed.