Sermons from July 2017

Meals with Jesus: Multiply

Whilst our need for security, acceptance and significance are fully met through our relationship with Christ our experience of these can vary. In the light of John 6: 1-11 Chris seeks to show how we can experience these in greater measure through trusting, receiving and obeying. In response he challenges us to offer the little we have to God, receive His gifts and get involved in His miracle.a

T-shirt Slogans: Titus 3:5

We conclude our short series looking at what the Apostle Paul calls trustworthy sayings. In Titus 3:5 we find a succinct declaration of why we are saved, how we are saved and what the result of being saved will be. In the light of this the Apostle Paul challenges us to devote ourselves to doing good. Chris highlights the role of the Spirit in regeneration and renewal as described in the passage which enables us to continue to live in and through grace.