Trevor Bailey encourages us to be more excited about Jesus and to share this excitement with others.
Trevor Bailey encourages us to be more excited about Jesus and to share this excitement with others.
In these recordings of the Sunday Club Carol Service and Carols by Candlelight, Chris speaks of how Jesus is a different King to how a king would be imaged to be – A King forever; A King from Heaven; and a King who gives. He then examines how the birth of Jesus fulfils God’s big promises to us and challenges us to choose to accept God’s promise and put our trust in Him.
Chris unpacks the meaning of receiving Jesus and believing in His name so that we might become children of God. He stresses the importance of each individual responding to God’s initiative in order to receive the promise. This is made practical as he calls on us the respond personally to God’s call to Burwell Baptist Church.
Paul Brown preaches on Luke 1:67-80 and John the Baptist. He asks if we are preparing to meet Jesus and also if we, like John the Baptist, are pointing others to Jesus and helping them to understand who he is.
As part of his visit to Burwell, Michael Harvey preaches on John 1:35-51 and encourages each of us to become an active part of an inviting church.
Chris examines the Apostle Paul’s call for interdependence between men and women and the ways in which we might express this in our worship today. The passage also highlights the differing ways in which the genders showed respect for God in Corinthian culture which prompts questions as to how we should respond to our changing culture today.
Chris continues the series in 1 Corinthians 11, looking at what Paul has to say about the communion meal and the way that it was being observed in the church in Corinth – particularly the need to bring God’s Agape love to the meal; to recognise others as part of the body; and hence to be in unity with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Continuing the study of 1 Corinthians in Chapter 13, Chris looks at God’s unconditional, undeserved, ‘Agape’ love for us and reminds us that it is our duty as Christians to show this ‘Agape’ love of God to others in the way we love them.
Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. In the final verses of 1 Cor 10 the Apostle Paul draws together his arguments in three powerful sound-bites: Everything is permissible but not everything is constructive. No one should seek his own good but the good of others. Whatever you do, do for the glory of God. Chris applies this advice to our worship and work today and invites us consider the coming week.
Chris applies the Apostle Paul’s warnings from Israel’s history to our lives and reminds us that we can not endure temptation without Christ.