Sermons on Covenant

Acts 15, Part Three & Acts 16, Part One

This week we held our covenant service for 2025, an opportunity to renew the covenant we have made to God and to each other and also commission our leaders for the coming year. We pray for the deacons, elders and leaders of our other church activities.

As a part of this Chris continues our study of Acts, this week looking at the splitting of the partnership of Paul and Barnabas after a sharp disagreement regarding the role of Mark in the visits Paul proposes to the churches he and Barnabas planted together in their earlier journeys. Paul then partners with Silas and Timothy for the first time. We once again see that disagreements are not unusual amongst believers and that there will always be debate surrounding the interpretation of God’s plans. The church is made up of imperfect people, which is good because it means we’re all in the same boat!

Lynne and Dave lead our sung worship this week.

Covenant Service

This Sunday we held our annual covenant service, which gives us the opportunity after our AGM this past week to renew our commitment and covenant with God and with each other. We also pray for and commission our leaders for the coming year. Chris speaks briefly on the Fruit and Gifts of the Spirit and encourages us to choose one of each to focus and ask God for help with on over the coming year.

Mike leads our sung worship this week.

Covenant Service 2022

Each year following the church AGM we reserve the next Sunday as our covenant service to allow us to re-commission our leaders and renew our covenant with each other and with God. This year Chris looks at the role of love in our spiritual gifts and encourages us to show our love of God through exercising them to build up the church.

Susan leads the rest of the service as we re-commit ourselves for the coming year. We also have a time of prayer for the ongoing situation in Ukraine and Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.

Renewing Covenant

In order to benefit from God’s offer of a New Covenant we must enter the covenant.  We must accept the terms and conditions – Repentance for the forgiveness of sins.  We can re-enter the covenant again and again.  We do not have to wait until the next covenant service or communion service.  How then shall we live as people of the New Covenant?