Sermons by Ricky Dolphin


Ricky and Vanessa lead our all age service for July on the theme of “families”. What does the word family mean to you? How does it make you feel? How can we extend our understanding of the word family to realise that it means the whole church?

Mike leads our sung worship for this week.

Harvest 2022

Harvest is a time where – once a year – we come together as the Church to set aside one Sunday to specifically say thank you to God for His provision. But what do we give back to God in return? As Chris is away, Ricky challenges us to consider how we spend our money, time and gifts. Do we really give back to God what He deserves?

Ant leads the rest of the service with an update from Vanessa on our Mission of the Month, Tearfund, and Barry leads our communion.

A Motley Crew (Communion September 2021)

This week Ricky looks at the amazing way throughout the Bible that God uses people that at first glance are wholly unsuitable for His work but who managed to do many great works in His name, and how He unites an otherwise disparate and unconnected group of people with many different skills into His church today.
James leads the rest of the service whilst Barry leads us in communion and Mike leads our sung worship.

Catching the Wave: Christians in Business

This week we continue our mini-series based on the Catching the Wave materials as we consider Christians in business. Ricky Dolphin challenges our stereotypes of what we think “doing business” is and invites us to reconsider how our Christian faith can inform our decisions around work, and in the world of the entrepreneur.
Susan leads the rest of the service as she interviews Pete about his day-to-day life and Tony brings us an update on the work of GenR8.

Zoom Communion 5 John

This is a recording of a live Zoom communion service held on 20th September 2020.
In our Harvest service for 2020 Ricky Dolphin looks at the story of Jesus and the woman at the well and shows us how Jesus used an unlikely encounter to reap a harvest, challenging us to see where our unlikely situations for reaping a harvest may be.
James leads our communion and the rest of the service.