Chris teaches from the healing of the leper in Mark 1:40-45 showing the way in which God sets the lonely in families. The teaching goes on to suggest ways in which we might respond to Jesus compassion today.
Chris teaches from the healing of the leper in Mark 1:40-45 showing the way in which God sets the lonely in families. The teaching goes on to suggest ways in which we might respond to Jesus compassion today.
Chris continues to teach in our series exploring the compassion of Jesus. This week he seeks to apply the lessons of Jesus compassion for the hungry from Matthew 15:29-39 and calls for a practical response.
Chris explores the connection between the parable of the prodigal son and the person of the Holy Spirit.
Continuing the series on The Compassion of Jesus, Chris looks at Luke Chapter 7 vs 13 and Jesus’ compassion for the bereaved.
In the first in a new series of sermons on Jesus’ Compassion, Chris considers Matthew 14:14 where it is said that Jesus had compassion on the sick.
Chris responds to questions from the congregation which have arisen from our teaching on the Apostle Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians.
The Apostle Paul closes His first letter to Corinth with practical instructions and plans which echo his priorities throughout the letter. These include a desire to unity factions within the church, make clear the gospel and show how to apply it to practical situations. Chris explores what this can teach us about apply the gospel to our planning and priorities.
Advertising agencies and marketing companies are constantly offering a New You.They offer hope. Much of that hope is false hope and leads to disappointment. Chris explores what is necessary for hope to have a beneficial impact on our lives and offers new life and new hope based on the truth of Jesus death and resurrection.
In this Baptism service, Chris preaches on 2 Corinthians 5:16 – 6:2.
Continuing the theme of the importance of the resurrection in forming our vision, Chris deepens our understanding of the seeds of resurrection being formed by our choices now.