Old Testament Heroines

Old Testament Heroines: Abigal

Our all-age series on the heroines of the Old Testament continues, this month James takes a look at Abigail’s story. From the wife of a selfish husband to preventing a massacre, Abigail was definitely a peacemaker and prevented the future King David from acting on his sinful desires.

Mike and Lynne lead our sung worship for this week.

Old Testament Heroines: Deborah

Shona leads our first all age service of 2025, continuing our theme from last year looking at Old Testament heroines. This week it is the turn of Deborah, the only female leader of Israel in the time of the Judges. Facing attacks from the surrounding nations Deborah leads the people through a time of hardship and yet never gives up on trusting God.

Mike leads our sung worship this week.

Old Testament Heroines: Hannah

Our All Age Service for November continues our theme of looking at Old Testament Heroines. This month Shona focusses on Hannah, the mother of the prophet Samuel. Hannah was considered barren and unable to have children, yet she never gave up praying to God for a child. How can we be persistent in prayer?

We also pause with the rest of the nation to commemorate Remembrance Sunday.

Lynne and Dave lead our sung worship this week.

Old Testament Heroines: Ruth

This week we held our All Age Service for October, in its new position of the second Sunday of the month. Our series in Old Testament Heroines continues with James (and helpers!) leading us through the story of Ruth and how God turned a desperate situation into good, and one which has a significant impact for the future!

Mike and Ricky lead our sung worship this week.

Old Testament Heroines – Rahab

As it is the first Sunday of the month we hold our regular All Age Service for September. We continue a mini-series looking at the heroines of the Old Testament, those women whose impact resonates down the ages in their service to God. This month Shona looks at Rahab, a Canaanite who God not only saved but wove into the family line of the Messiah. We see how her act of faith save her family and ultimately all who put their faith in Jesus.


As it is the first Sunday of the month we hold our regular All Age Service for August. We begin a new mini-series looking at the heroines of the Old Testament, those women whose impact resonates down the ages in their service to God. This month James looks at Miriam, the sister of Moses. We…