Sermons on Hebrews

Year Text in Context 2025

After the brief interlude last Sunday where we met at St Mary’s Chris resumes his look at our year text for 2025. This time we look at the verse in its original context in the book of Hebrews, where the writer is linking all that Jesus achieved to the Jewish scriptures of the Old Testament. Chris highlights in particular the first half of verse 1 (the second half of which contains our year text) and verses 14 to 16 as things that can help us to achieve that perserverence in the race marked out before us.

Andy leads the rest of the service as Pete brings a powerful update on our mission of the month, CSW, and we join together as a community to share Communion. Pete and Nick lead our sung worship.

Vision Service 2025

Happy New Year! This week we held our vision service for 2025, a chance to look back at the events that happened in our Church family over the last year and look ahead to what God wants to do through us in the coming months. Chris also reveals our year text for 2025, taken from Hebrews 12 verse 1.

Ant leads the rest of the service as we start the year in prayer, Pete and Nick lead our sung worship this week.

Together We Grow

Happy New Year! As we begin a new year, we conclude our latest All Age series on Frontline Sundays, this month looking at how Together We Grow. God did not intend for Christians to walk the journey alone, we are called to be members of a community: the church. Chris explores how being part of the church helps us hold on to hope, spur one another on and encourages us to keep meeting.
Shona leads the rest of the service whilst Pete leads our sung worship.

Worship@Home Begins

This service is available in both video and audio format.

In a world that suddenly seems a lot different to the one that we’re used to, this week we have a very different kind of service. The outbreak of coronavirus and the drastic measures we have all now had to take to slow down it’s spread seem to have taken us all completely by surprise and underprepared. But were we?

In the first of what we’re all praying is a very short series of video services Chris looks at what God has been teaching us as a church over the past year and how we can use all that we have heard to help us deal with the new situations we find ourselves in. We also have prayers from Susan and reflective poetry read by Barry.

To help it feel more like a proper service, Lynne has put together a playlist of songs that you can listen to after the message and reflect on how God is prompting you to respond. Find the YouTube playlist in the paragraph below the video.

Who is God?

How do we know what God is really like? Chris highlights three ways to discover who God is: Creation, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We are invited to move forward in faith based on the evidence of these revelations of God’s character and His promises.