Sermons from February 2018

Renewing Covenant

In order to benefit from God’s offer of a New Covenant we must enter the covenant.  We must accept the terms and conditions – Repentance for the forgiveness of sins.  We can re-enter the covenant again and again.  We do not have to wait until the next covenant service or communion service.  How then shall we live as people of the New Covenant?

The Message of the Cross

In this series our aim is not to come up with clever theories about the cross but to reap its benefits, live its life and proclaim its gospel. Chris aims to inspire us to discover again the wonder and power of the cross of Christ. In the first talk he focusses on the revelation which the cross brings about who we are, who God is and how we can be reconciled.

The Prayer Course

As we begin a series of mid-week studies on Prayer, in place of a sermon podcast this week here is a link to the course that we will be following.