Sermons by Chris Johnson (Page 34)

The Life of Jesus – Transfiguration

As we continue our exploration of some key events in Jesus’ life we come to the Transfiguration. Chris examines Luke’s account, brings the good news that Jesus did not stay on the mountain but went to the cross and asks how we can respond to the revelation which was witnessed that day. He challenges us to listen to Jesus in our current situations.

The Life of Jesus – Teaching

We continue our series on the life of Jesus. Chris asks what we can learn from Jesus’ emphasis on preaching and teaching. He concludes that Jesus wants to win our minds as well as our hearts. In response we were invited to consider how we could be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

The Life of Jesus – Baptism and Temptations

Jesus was tempted in every way as we are yet without sin. We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathise with our weaknesses. He defeated satan in every battle and especially in the final battle on the cross where satan’s power through sin and death are broken. Chris explores our calling in the light of Jesus’ victory.

The Life of Jesus – God with Us

In this series we will be taking an overview of the life of Jesus. We will be asking why each section is selected by the gospel writer?, what is the good news? so what? and now what?. In the first section Chris examines the childhood of Jesus and calls us to life extraordinary lives in the midst of the mundane.

Anger or Compassion

As we conclude our study of the book of Jonah we find God making it personal with Jonah. Chris explains God longs for more than mere obedience but seeks to transform us by the renewing of our minds. He invites us to consider what our emotions reveal about our attitudes towards God and to allow God to speak directly to those emotions.

Restoration and Obedience

Chapter 3 of Jonah gives an insight into what true repentance looks like and leads to. Chris explores the themes of restoration and obedience for Jonah and the Ninevites, highlighting that God does not require us to be perfect to begin being obedient. He asks what repentance, restoration and obedience look like for our own situations.