
Love Never Fails

In the conclusion to our recent series on Love, we look at Paul’s final and definitive statement that love never fails. Chris examines how things like prophecy and knowledge will cease as we move from the “now” where we currently are to the “then” when Jesus returns in his glory but how love will endure. Love both leads us to God and keeps us in His presence, ever-enduring and never ceasing.

Pete and Nick lead our sung worship and we also have an update from Trevor about November’s Mission of the Month, Mercy Ships.

Love Always

In our All Age Service for November, Chris looks at verse 7 of 1 Corinthians 13. “[Love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” (NIV)
What does that mean? How does God practically show that protection, trust, hope and perseverence and how can we show those qualities to others?

Mike and Lynne lead our sung worship and Vanessa launches our Operation Christmas Child appeal for 2022.

Love Does Not Delight In Evil But Rejoices With The Truth

In a world where absolute truth is increasingly being sidelined by opinions stated as truth as Christians we have the task of making sure that the truth of Jesus doesn’t get diluted by false truths and alternate facts. How do we do that? Chris looks at how – through the ability to love given to us through the Holy Spirit – we can confront the sin and evil in the world with the truth of Jesus.

Susan leads the rest of the service with our final YWAM update, and Pete leads our sung worship.

Love Is Not Easily Angered, Keeps No Record of Wrongs

Anger. It’s something that, if left unchecked, can take over our lives. We can be angry with each other, angry with ourselves, even angry with God. In the latest in our series on love, Chris looks at how love can overcome anger. The agape love that the Holy Spirit brings us allows us to forget our anger and forgive.

Karen leads the rest of the service as we hear how our mission of the month YWAM is helping with the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. Mike leads our sung worship.