Sermon Archive (Page 49)


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Do Everything in Love

The Apostle Paul closes His first letter to Corinth with practical instructions and plans which echo his priorities throughout the letter. These include a desire to unity factions within the church, make clear the gospel and show how to apply it to practical situations. Chris explores what this can teach us about apply the gospel to our planning and priorities.

New Life, New Hope

Advertising agencies and marketing companies are constantly offering a New You.They offer hope. Much of that hope is false hope and leads to disappointment. Chris explores what is necessary for hope to have a beneficial impact on our lives and offers new life and new hope based on the truth of Jesus death and resurrection.

Prepared to Serve

The leaders away day focussed on responding to God’s prophetic word through the church meeting. Chris tests the outcome of this prayerful reflection against scripture. He encourages us to discover our gifts and challenges us to put them to use in serving others in our local community. In short to be “prepared to serve”.

The Gospel without Limits

David Quin from Asia Link shares his passion for the un-reached people of Asia and preaches on Matthew Chapter 4. He encourages us to be both expansive and attractive in our sharing of the Gospel – going out to where people are to reach them and being so anointed with the Holy Spirit that people are irresistibly drawn to Jesus as they see Him working in our lives.