Sermon Archive (Page 40)


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Who is the greatest?

Preaching on Matthew 18 vs 1-5, David Taylor asks how we understand real greatness in the Kingdom of God. What does Jesus mean when he says we must become like children? He suggests that it is to recognise our dependence on God and to recognise our status before Him. True greatness comes not from earthly achievement but from being declared to be children of God.

Fruitfulness on the Frontline: Moulding Culture

As we continue in our studies in Paul’s letter to those in Christ at Colossae Chris explores how Paul seeks to change the culture. As Paul’s arguments are all rooted in the believers new status in Christ Chris asks how much influence we can have on the wider culture which denies Christ. He concludes by asking whether we are moulding the culture around us or being moulded by it.

Fruitfulness on the Frontline: Making Good Work

Who we are called to be changes what we do. Wherever we find ourselves on a daily basis, it is here that we are called to live out our faith, in the midst of particular relationships and particular duties. It is with these people and these tasks in everyday life that we will find the good works that God has prepared in advance for us to do.