Chris summarises our current series, applies our year text Col 2:6-7 and invites us to identify where we are being fruitful.
Chris summarises our current series, applies our year text Col 2:6-7 and invites us to identify where we are being fruitful.
Having explored the different ways in which we can live out our calling as envoys of God’s coming Kingdom this week Chris focuses on the most direct means of sharing the mystery of Christ: Proclaiming it. He highlights that even Apostles need prayer to do this yet every believer is to act wisely and take every opportunity to make known the mystery of Christ.
Knowledge, wisdom and understanding brought by the Spirit imply a responsibility to speak out for truth and justice. Chris explores the extent to which this responsibility can be fulfilled within the church and how we should exercise this prophetic gifting there and in the wider world.
As we continue in our studies in Paul’s letter to those in Christ at Colossae Chris explores how Paul seeks to change the culture. As Paul’s arguments are all rooted in the believers new status in Christ Chris asks how much influence we can have on the wider culture which denies Christ. He concludes by asking whether we are moulding the culture around us or being moulded by it.
Our growth in faith, love and hope are inextricably linked with the message we believe. You can’t believe the message that God did all that for you and not be changed by it. You can choose not to really believe it or you can be transformed. Those are the only options. To the extent you put our belief in the gospel into action you will grow in faith, love and hope.
Who we are called to be changes what we do. Wherever we find ourselves on a daily basis, it is here that we are called to live out our faith, in the midst of particular relationships and particular duties. It is with these people and these tasks in everyday life that we will find the good works that God has prepared in advance for us to do.
Chris explores how the fruit of the Spirit and our cooperation work together to bring transformation in our lives. He goes on to show that simply by modelling this process we are fulfilling an important part of our calling in Christ. We become the gospel message as we submit to the Lordship of Jesus.
We all have a life on the frontline in the world that’s significant to God. But can we see how God has been working in and through us? Can we imagine what work God might do in and through us on our daily frontlines? Chris introduces a series based on Colossians and seeks to encourage everyone to see God at work in and through them in Christ.