Acts (Page 2)

Acts 5

We continue our ongoing series looking at the book of Acts with Chris speaking on the events Luke recalls in chapter 5: the deaths of Ananais and Sapphira, continued healings of the sick and the arrest, imprisonment, miraculous escape and re-arrest of the apostles. We begin to see three interconnected groups arising: the apostles, the people and the Sanhedrin (and other Jewish leaders). Which group do we fall into?

James leads the rest of the service, thinking about the vastness of God’s creation and Lynne and Dave lead our sung worship.

Acts 4

We resume our series looking at the book of Acts with Chris this week speaking on chapter 4. The miracle at the temple (see last time!) did not go unnoticed and Peter and John find themselves brought before the Sanhedrin to explain what happened. Filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter does not hold back and the Pharisees and Sadducees don’t quite know how to react. If the Holy Spirit can turn Peter from someone who denied Christ into someone who gives one of the most eloquent defences of him, how much more can it help us in our situations?

Ant leads the rest of the service whilst Pete leads our sung worship.

Acts 3

We continue our new series looking at the book of Acts with Chris speaking on the healing at the temple of the man who could not walk. This is the apostles taking all that they have learned from the last few years of their lives with Jesus and following his example. How can we follow the lead of Peter and John and allow Jesus to work through us?

James leads the rest of the service (possibly giving us the answer before Chris asks the question!) and Mike and Lynne lead our sung worship.

Acts: Introduction

This week we begin a new series looking at the book of Acts and how the Holy Spirit worked through the early church to bring about the great people movement that we’re a part of today. In week 1, Chris brings us an introduction to the series and an overview of Acts 1 and 2. How can we view a very familiar story (Pentecost) in a new way?

Andy leads the rest of the service, thinking about the way the disciples were able to preach to everybody in Jerusalem regardless of the language they spoke, whilst Pete leads our sung worship.

Seek the Lord With All Your Heart

This week Chris and Lynne return from their sabbatical period, with much of their time spent on seeking the Lord and His plans. Chris spends this first week back looking at Acts 15 and asking how we can continue to seek the Lord for ourselves.

Karen leads the rest of the service whilst Lynne and Dave lead our sung worship.