
Reflections takes place in Burwell Baptist Church Lounge at 2.30pm usually on the first Wednesday of each month.

Christmas Day 10.30am

A family celebration of Christmas. Carols, readings and prayers to start you Christmas with Christ.

Evening Communion 6:30pm

A service of worship and sharing bread and wine in remembrance of Jesus death and resurrection.

Science Sunday 10:30am

Physicist turned engineer Andy Boston is an independent consultant on future energy supplies. He uses engineering and economics to guide energy choices. He is also a Christian with a passion to break down barriers between science and faith. Andy will be asking: Where does your energy come from?

Believer’s Baptism

A service of worship including songs, testimony, bible readings, and baptism by immersion. All are welcome and invited to attend to hear the good news declared in word and symbolic actions.

Let the Redeemed of the Lord… 6.30pm

Ps 107:2a Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story…
Opportunities to: share a testimony, recent or looking over a longer period; test a prophetic word; talk about what you have been hearing as you have asked God questions.

Rock Solid Relaunch

Rock Solid is a FREE group for 11 – 14 year olds based on materials from Youth for Christ.