Logo and Mission Statement


We have developed our logo to help communicate the vision we believe God has given us as a church.  The cross of nails reminds us of the price which Jesus paid to reconcile us to our Father God and to each other.  The lines coming from the cross represent the call to be a beacon to our local community.  The rays of light intentionally go out beyond the text to symbolise going beyond the church into the wider world.  The motto “Prepared to Serve” has a double meaning: willing to serve and made ready to serve – this speaks about our belief that our purpose as a church is to prepare God’s people for works of service.

Mission Statement

Building a loving, worshipping, learning, evangelistic and Spirit filled fellowship

A Loving Fellowship

We will devote ourselves to fellowship with God and with one another through Jesus Christ – 1 John 1:3

We will seek to meet each others needs and those in our community and beyond – 1 John 3: 17

A Worshipping Fellowship

We want God to be worshipped joyfully and reverently both corporately, as a Fellowship and in smaller groups meeting in each others homes, and individually in our daily lives. – Acts 2: 46

A Learning Fellowship

We will ensure that teaching from the Word of God takes place at all levels of our Fellowship, in order that all may grow towards maturity in our Lord Jesus Christ – Acts 2: 42

An Evangelistic Fellowship

In all our programmes we will make winning others to Christ a priority and recognise the lessons learnt from Acts 2: 47.

A Spirit-filled Fellowship

As we believe in a triune God we will preach the full Gospel including the fullness of the Holy Spirit – 2 Corinthians 13: 14.

We will encourage the practise and operation of the gifts of the Spirit in the life of the Fellowship and of the individual believer. 1 Corinthians 12.