Easter Trail
Are you looking for an Easter holiday activity to entertain the kids? Do you know where you can find a wandering dragon? Where would you find a windmill next to a castle?
We at Burwell Baptist Church have an exciting, interactive, and fun family Easter treasure trail to offer you called ‘In Search of Hope this Easter’. Our walking trail encourages families to explore Burwell by answering questions about the village. Along the route posters with QR codes can be found which will unlock a virtual space where you will hear about hope. The QR codes play videos that contain clues and fun challenges to do while you explore and search the village. Our treasure trail is a great opportunity to do something different, engaging and fun while out and about.
The trail will begin on Saturday 27 March and will run throughout the school Easter holidays (2 weeks). More details will be released soon so keep following our Facebook page @BurwellBCTrail.
Please ensure that you and your family obey the government guidelines for social distancing at all times.